KEEP LISTENING TO THE RADIO because Advice From a Misguided Man can be heard on classical radio stations in Canada, U.S., Asia, Australia, Europe, South America and South Africa as well as SIRIUS XM satellite radio!!!!
* If you are interested in getting the sheet music for any of this music, it is available! Send me an email. There is also a version of “Songs of the North Woods” available with piano instead of accordion.
“Advice From a Misguided Man” has the flow of a live concert with a fun and theatrical flair. With the exception of the Saint-Saens Sonata and the Pasculli Concerto, this CD features music that is not “off-the-shelf”. With funding from FACTOR and the Ontario Ats Coundil, I was able to commission pieces from Hilario Duran, Aura Pon and Rebecca Pellett. I have also included two of my own compositions in to the mix. “Advice From a Misguided Man” spans classical, jazz, folk, musical theatre and film style, yet all have the same sense of playfulness.
Inspired by Vaughn Williams’ Blake Songs, I set out to create my own grouping of short pieces with a musical theatre twist. I decided on 5 quirky, funny poems by Liza McLellan and had composer Rebecca Pellett set music to them. Each poem offers bizarre and random advice, hence the name of the suite and CD itself “Advice From a Misguded Man”. On the CD, each movement is sung by a different Canadian musical theatre star. Rick Miller, Michael Therriault, Evan Buliung, Martin Julien and Canadian comedy icon, Colin Mochrie. These actors have been seen on the biggest stages and have received critical acclaim for their ability to bring truth, passion and humor to the text they deliver. I have interspersed them throughout the CD as a break from the “serious” music and to provide a pallet cleanser for the next song.

* For digital downloads go to iTunes or CD BABY. For a physical copy, contact me directly.
(I accept cheques and email transfers.)
CD Track Listing
1. “The Pipes” – arranged by Colin Maier and Mark Camilleri
Oboe- Colin Maier… Drums – Mark Inneo… Bassoon/Conta Bassoon – Fraser Jackson…Piano – Mark Camilleri
2. “Page 10”- Music by Rebecca Pellett, Lyrics by Liza McLellan
Go see for yourself.
If its a big book, you still in the Appendix.
If its a small book, its the blank page at the end!
If its a novel, its the description of the inside of a plane.
Well – everyone know what that looks like!
Thats boring! Boring!
I just thought you should know.
Just in case.
Of course you neededededdy to know.
Oboe – Colin Maier… Percussion – Andrew Dunsmore/Joel Cormier… Vocals… Michael Therriault
3. “Bakön” – Colin Maier
Oboe – Colin Maier… Drums – Mark Inneo, Piano – Mark Camilleri… Bass – Jon Maharaj
4. “How To Do It” – Music by Rebecca Pellett, Lyrics by Liza McLellan
lyricsHow to do it.
Do it and say you did.
Then don’t.
Get someone else to do it
(after asking someone else)
and then you add a chicken.
Make sure the chicken has one right leg and a green thing.
Open a bag, blow into it after first exhaling
and light a skid mark on fire.
Skid mark.
Do it and say you did.
Then don’t.
Get someone else to do it
(after asking someone else)
and then you add a chicken.
Make sure the chicken has one right leg and a green thing.
Open a bag, blow into it after first exhaling
and light a skid mark on fire.
Skid mark.
Oboe – Colin Maier…Percussion – Joel Cormier… Vocals – Martin Julien… Chicken sound – Xavier Maier
5. “Concerto sopra motivi dell’opera La favorita di Donizetti – Antonio Pasculli.
Oboe – Colin Maier… Accordion – Alexander Sevastian
6. “How To Eat Cheese” – Music by Rebecca Pellett, Lyrics by Liza McLellan
Just shove it in your face…YAR!
Just shove it in your face…YAR!
Oboe – Colin Maier… Percussion – Andrew Dunsmore… Vocals – Colin Mochrie
7. “Oboe Sonata, 1st mvnt.” – Camille Saint-Saëns
8. “Oboe Sonata, 2nd mvnt.” – Camille Saint-Saëns
9. “Oboe Sonata, 3rd mvnt.” – Camille Saint-Saëns
Oboe – Colin Maier… Piano- Allison Wiebe
10. “Dear Jeremiah” – Music by Rebecca Pellett, Lyrics by Liza McLellan
At times like these, what you need to do is get scurvy. Yes, just go and get scurvy and be done with it. Then I shall have my piece of mind. Then I won’t have to deal with your stupid habit of collecting things and sticking them in both our noses. Yeah well, it would be just like you to go and get scurvy. You always got everything anyway. If you want my advice, you should aim for shingles, but we can’t always be choosy, can we?
Give my love to mother, send her our straw collection. Those are fresh out, after all.
Oboe – Colin Maier… Percussion – Andrew Dunsmore… Vocals… Rick Miller
11. “Song For Magdalena” – Hilario Duran
Oboe – Colin Maier…Piano – Hilario Duran… Bass – John Maharaj… Drums – Mark Inneo
12. “Bohbins” – Music by Rebecca Pellett, Lyrics by Liza McLellan
I am quite certain (and how embarrassed!). Please don’t tell anyone
it was me. I mean, if anyone else finds out I am definitely up you-know-
what creek. Just say you never heard. You don’t know.
Better yet – you never knew me.
I don’t exist to you.
Yeah… yeah, that’s probably not a good idea.
They might suspect.
Okay, here’s the deal:
If they ask you about who made the mistake,
tell them you don’t speak English, and walk away
(preferably downhill for a quick getaway).
And you should maybe wear a wig with different coloured hair than your own,
and be careful to keep your hands concealed at all times.
Object to shaking hands!
Okay, I gotta jet.
Remember: Don’t say it was me.
Oboe – Colin Maier…Percussion – Joel Cormier… Vocals – Evan Buliung
13. “Isn’t it Wonderful” – Rebecca Pellett
Oboe, English Horn, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Flute, Alto Saxophone, Penny Whistle, Guitar, Violin, Bass – Colin Maier
14. “Songs of the North Woods” – Aura Pon
Oboe – Colin Maier… Accordion – Alexander Sevastian… Cello – Liza McLellan
Photography by:
Ryan Enn Hughes
CD Art
Thank youz…
Huge thank you to all the people who supported me in making this project come to life. Sonya Maheux-Maier, Xavier Maier, Pat Maier, Don Maier, Barb Maier, Peter de Sotto
MY CREATIVE TEAM: Mark Camilleri, Rebecca Pellett, Liza McLellan, Aura Pon, Hilario Duran, Ryan Enn Hughes, Scott Galley, Todd Noel, John Hauber
MY MUSICIANS: Mark Camilleri, Mark Inneo, Jon Maharaj, Alexander Sevastian, Liza McLellan, Allison Wiebe, Andrew Dunsmore, Joel Cormier, Fraser Jackson, Hilario Duran
MY VOCAL TALENT: Rick Miller, Colin Mochrie, Michael Therriault, Evan Buliung, Martin Julien and Xavier Maier
HUGE thank you to FACTOR and the Ontario Arts Council. Without your support, this project would not have happened. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage (Canada Music Fund) and of Canada’s Private Radio Broadcasters.”
“Advice From a Misguided Man” was produced by Colin Maier. Recorded, mixed and mastered at www.imaginesoundstudios.com by Mark Camilleri.
XCMM Records, 2012